Benefits of Robotic Pool Cleaners — Poolside Beaconsfield

Benefits of Robotic Pool Cleaners

Robotic pool cleaners clean the pool better, are easier to use, and are more efficient saving on energy and chemical costs. Take the cleaning of your pool to a whole new level.

Robotic pool cleaners are amazing, but did you know that they can also reduce your water wastage by up to 80% or over 13,000 liters each year as well?

The way robotic pool cleaners save you money is by reducing the filtration time required, which in turn requires less backwashing or filter cleaning. This can typically use up to 20,000 liters each year!

Using a robotic pool cleaner it will also put much less strain on the pump and filter as the operating pressures are usually considerably lower when the filter is clean. You can also, add a Variable Speed Pump as you won't need the higher water flow to keep a suction cleaner going.

Suction cleaners such as a Kreepy Krauly or Baracuda require a high water flow rate to operate. You may notice when your suction cleaner 'stops working', sometimes a quick backwash will get it moving again. A robotic cleaner, however, runs independently of the pool pump and filtration system under its own power, so it isn't at the mercy of the other components.

Robotic cleaners such as the Dolphin M600 provide the most effective all-around pool clean. They are programmed to ensure they cover the entire pool from the floor, to the walls and even the tile line. They have great suction for the large debris, internal filters for the very fine dust and dirt, as well as scrubbing, and brushes it help remove the stubborn debris in pebble surfaces and grout lines

In addition to saving money on your water bills, if a Dolphin robotic cleaner is paired with a variable-speed pool pump, there are huge potential power savings to be had. Lower running power consumption paired with the robot will keep your pool just as clean and filtered (if not more!)

These cleaners are also a great way to lower the environmental impact of owning a swimming pool, and in some cases, it may also help achieve a carbon-neutral running of your pool.

If you'd like to make your pool as green (in an environmental sense that is) as possible we suggest a combination of a variable-speed pool pump, glass filter media, a Mineral Swim system, and of course a robotic pool cleaner. These combined will ensure you have the smallest water, chemical, and power consumption possible.

Maytronics cleaners are Climate Care Certified. This is the swimming pool industry’s new efficiency and sustainability certification program. The Climate Care Certification Program is an initiative of the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia Ltd (SPASA). Click here to find out more about the program.